Sunday 2 February 2014

The Garden

When we first viewed the house it was during summer so everything was growing and in full leaf. 
One side of the garden borders an allotment and has a kind of hawthorn hedge/tree border.
The other side which borders next door's garden had no real fence or obvious border.
Everything was overgrown and trees had formed a canopy over the garden.
I actually quite liked the garden as it was because it felt like it had a 'secret garden' theme to it but after summer once everything had died back it was pretty obvious that serious work needed to be done.
A lot of the trees that were growing had not been planted there, they had just grown randomly and a big tree had fallen a few years earlier and continued to grow along the ground and then up again.
To get the full benefit from the length of the garden we would need to cut everything back and start again.

Jonathan got a little too close to the flames...

I love this hawthorn tree next to the allotment.  In spring it has white flowers and as the year goes on it has orange and then red berries.  It is covered in Ivy and always has little birds flying to and from it.

The best thing about having this garden has been seeing the progress as we have gone along.  Seeing the potential and getting ideas for what to do with the space. 

We planted this little Virginia Creeper in summer and it has since grown to above the back door.  I think we'll have to keep an eye on it!

Things we have discovered...

This is the current state of the garden.  We have a fence!

I really don't like the garden being so boring and devoid of any plants so this year we'll be thinking about what to do.  We have lots of ideas for this garden but it seems to take a long time to see any changes.  Hopefully this year will be a good year for the garden!

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